Whoa! Didja get the numbers off that truck?!?

May 03, 2003 - 8:42 p.m.


I�ve shown restraint in my comments about how my ex lives her life. We didn�t agree on many things and keeping a clean house was the biggest obstacle.

I�m not Mr. Clean by any means. I�ve been known to let things go; in fact my house could use a good cleaning right now. It�s been nice outside today and I spent some time with Girly, and then came home and planted some new shrubs out front. But I have never let things go as badly as what she allows. She is completely unable to pick up after herself; there was always a trail of empty Diet Coke cans, wrappers of all sorts, empty plastic bags� all kinds of stuff in her wake. I think she led the life of a princess growing up and her older sister was the neat one. I think her sister got tired of complaining and just picked stuff up.

I can relate.

In the spirit of this, I present to you just how bad it gets over there:

This is Son1 and Son2�s room. Granted, they should be responsible for keeping it clean. But this is pretty much how the rest of the house looks; this is the standard she sets.

I didn�t take this picture. Son2 took it, and I snuck it out of the house and scanned it, for some future occasion. That�s Son1 acting goofy.

There�s a sharp contrast between her house and mine. The kids let their rooms get pretty messy. Who would be surprised, it�s the way they live. But I periodically step in and insist that they clear the junk out. The hardest part for Son1 is deciding what�s worth keeping and what should be tossed. Son2 just goes on a bender and throws almost everything away and he usually doesn�t miss what�s gone.

Things got a lot better when Blimey started coming around. I�m sure the kids got the blame for the messy house. She actually started keeping it clean for awhile. But now that Blimey�s divorced and has his own place, she spends a lot of her time there, and the house the kids live in is sliding back into its former condition.

I sure hope that when they get older, they use me as an example of how to keep house.

the last one -*- the next one

Current Terr Alert Level
Terror Alert Level
OMG, She's agonna blow!

blah blah:

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